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How can we stop our security guards from sleeping on duty?

“How can we stop our security guards from sleeping on duty?”

This  question was very recently posted on LinkedIn Group to Physical Security  Managers, September 2012. There were over 60 responses to this very common  problem. Here is the response from Oversight-Inc representing GuardChecker.

JB  Holeman • The issue of sleeping employees on late shifts is a common  problem. It is particularly troublesome with employees working alone, e.g.  Security Guards. There is no evidence that better, more training or greater  compensation significantly reduces the problem. In fact the Federal Government  has taken extraordinary measures using light and sound to mitigate the issue in  very sensitive areas.

Therefore, what do you do?

  1. You clearly establish (I suggest contractually)  timely tasks to be routinely performed in troublesome guard areas and times.       
  2. You record and measure the guard’s performance  against those stated tasks.
  3. You rigorously hold both the Security Guard and  their Provider accountable for the performance of them.

While it does not eliminate the problem, it permits  you to objectively take the necessary actions to continuously improve your  entire Guard Force.

GuardChecker provides the capability  to monitor and measure every Security Guard’s performance (not just the  patrolling Guards). For example, we can seamlessly add relevant checkpoints for  every half hour that requires the Guard to get  up and move during those late night and weekend hours.

Additionally with our NoShowChecker option you can receive immediate alerts if there is a failure to remain alert!

These capabilities along with  precise, selected reporting, a Security Manager will be able to clearly  identify and correct problem areas.