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Verification Software

GuardChecker uses Oversight Inc.’s proprietary software called
Mobile Worker Connection™ (MWC)

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GuardChecker uses Oversight Inc.’s proprietary software called Mobile Worker Connection™ (MWC)

MWC software consists of two separate, but interconnected pieces of proprietary code – the Cloud Based Software (CBS) and the Data Collection App (DCA). The CBS provides a browser based interface to both the client and the DCA. The DCA is installed on the security officer’s smartphone.

Cloud Based Software

The Cloud Based Software is the crucial piece of Oversight’s software. The CBS may be accessed by any authorized user using a digital device with an internet connection – anytime, anywhere.

The CBS:

  • Serves as the portal through which the client connects to the service.
  • Used by the client to customize their specific site requirements:
    • Site checkpoints and security officers.
    • Required actions and potential observations.
    • Time-based tasks (by day of the week or with a start and end times).
  • Used to send changes or last minute messages to the DCA.
  • Receives the collected raw data from the DCA through the internet.
  • Converts the raw collected data into useful information including:
    • Alerts which are produced by periodically polling the client’s database and finding inconsistencies or a lack of timeliness.
    • GuardChecker Reports based on the client’s filters and variables.
    • Time and Attendance reports which are produced by processing the officers’ Sign In and Out data.

GuardChecker’s Customized Security Guard Tour Setup

It’s easy to customize the GuardChecker service to meet each client’s particular needs. We will do the heavy lifting, but we will need you, the client, to answer a series of requirement defining questions. For example:

How many locations need to be checked?
How many other routine actions and observations need to be recorded?
What are the non-routine actions and observations you want the guard to be able to record?
How many guards will be performing these actions and observations?
Do you want the guards to record when they arrive and depart, i.e. their on-site hours?
What is the organizational structure for the entire guard force?
How many different sites?
How many different security providers?
How many organization layers?
What is the general guard force operating scenario?
Who are the designated mangers to receive the automatic alert messages?

Based on these responses, Oversight Inc. will –
Create the required NFC tags for locations and routine actions and observations.
Create the required NFC tags for the security guards.
Create a drop down list for all the expected, but non-routine actions and observations.
Set up the organization structure (the parent/child relationships) to include each site, each different organization, and each security provider.
Create the User’s list to allow access to recording, correcting and reporting.
Set up designated managers, by individual email address to receive automatic alerts.

GuardChecker’s Data Collection App (DCA)


The DCA digitally records the actions and observations of security guards. Each piece of raw data includes the officer’s name that collected it, when it was collected, and where it was collected (including GPS). The recording may include pictures, along with structured and unstructured notes, and numbers (such as measurements, quantities, etc).

Originally the DCA was only supported on Android devices. That was because these devices were less expensive and no other mobile operating system supported Near Field Communication tags. Within the last year or so, Apple has decided to support NFC. Now GuardChecker has an iOS version of the DCA.