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Is it possible to change Security Guard culture?

Is it possible to change today’s Security Guard culture?

Or, Are we destined to live forever with examples of marginal security guard performance?

While the majority of security guards perform their duties as required, others do not. To some degree, primarily because of low pay levels, we seem to accept that there will always be a percentage of guards that fail to meet the marketing claims of their providers.

Have you experienced guards that:

  • Sleep on duty?
  • Show up late/depart early/don’t show up at all?
  • Fail to inspect their required checkpoints?

Unfortunately the answer is yes more frequently than we would like to admit. Further it doesn’t seem to matter whether the guards are from large national companies, local companies, or guards on your own payroll.

Why is that?

Both users and providers, come up with a variety of responses. We want to “trust” that the guards will do the right thing (and most do). The hard part is identifying quickly and precisely if there is an issue. Once found, we need leaders to take swift corrective action. In today’s culture we seem reluctant to take effective action.

President Reagan said “Trust, but Verify”

Step 1 – Effective leadership! Find a manager that truly cares about improving security guard performance. (Many seem to accept “it is what it is”, and let it drop until there is a security crisis. At that point all the pointing fingers come out. Normally the crisis passes pretty quickly and performance returns to the status quo.)

Step 2 – Provide that manager with timely, factual information upon which to base the needed corrective action.

Systems don’t change culture, but they can provide the necessary information to leadership, that can, in turn, change culture!

Now for the Guard Checker pitch. Guard Checker sorts through the large volumes of reported data to identify potential security guard issues. Guard Checker Real Time Alerts

Our service provides Real Time Alerts that report:

  • Missed Checkpoints
  • Guard inattentiveness (sleepy)
  • No Shows/Late Shows

These Real Time Alerts are emailed and texted to the client’s designated managers or control centers. These alerts serve as very timely exception reports.

Please accept: Consistently applied corrective action will improve security guard performance.

Call for specific examples. 864-335-8533